陈奕迅泰国演唱会曼谷站2025|EASON CHAN世界巡回泰国


时隔12年再会!陈奕迅 FEAR and DREAMS
世界巡回演唱会 曼谷站 盛大登场!

暌违12年,香港音乐天王陈奕迅将再次登上泰国曼谷的舞台,陈奕迅 FEAR and DREAMS 世界巡回演唱会泰国曼谷站重磅登場,於 2025年2月22日晚上7点30分 ,在曼谷 Impact Arena,Muang Thong Thani,盛大開唱!

陈奕迅 FEAR and DREAMS 世界巡回演唱会自2022 年于香港红馆拉开帷幕,已先后走过马来西亚、新加坡、中国台北、北美、中国澳门、上海、成都、广州、厦门、西安、南京、武汉、杭州等地,口碑极佳,终于在2025年来到微笑之国—泰国。巡演主题「FEAR and DREAMS」早在多年前定好,时至今天,陈奕迅并不觉得心中所想有所改变,故仍沿用这个名称,而 FEAR and DREAMS 究竟有什么特别含意?陈奕迅坦言:每个人感受不同,最好现场看过后再作解读。

陈奕迅的音乐不拘形式、题材涉猎广泛,歌声是以情感丰富、感染力強著称,听他演唱就像是娓娓道来一个个故事,往往能引起听众强烈共呜,扣人心弦。 FEAR and DREAMS 世界巡演更是陈奕迅与团队心血凝聚的视听盛宴,透过不断研磨设计舞台现场,令演出兼具戏剧感和视听享受。经过超过百场演出的打磨雕琢,这场世界巡回演唱会即将在泰国曼谷隆重登场,相信陈奕迅与团队必定会为歌迷们带来一场震撼心灵的音乐盛典!

2025年2月22日晚上7点30分,曼谷 Impact Arena,Muang Thong Thani ,期待陈奕迅与团队結合音乐与舞台的力量,为观众带来视觉与听觉的极致享受。陳奕迅 FEAR and DREAMS 世界巡迴演唱會 曼谷站 的门票将于2024年11月23日(周六) 早上10点(GMT+7) 开售,歌迷千万不要错过,和陈奕迅在曼谷不见不散!


演唱会详情:陈奕迅 FEAR and DREAMS 世界巡回演唱会 曼谷站
日期: 2025年2月22日(星期六)
时间: 晚上7点30分
地点: 曼谷 Impact Arena,Muang Thong Thani
票价: [VIP with benefit 9,900 THB] / 7,800 THB / 6,500 THB / 5,300 THB / 3,800 THB
门票将于2024年11月23日(周六) 早上10点(GMT+7) 通过 haiticketmajor 开售





After 12 Years, Eason Chan’s FEAR and DREAMS World Tour Is Coming to Bangkok!

After a 12-year hiatus, Chinese pop megastar Eason Chan is set to return to the stage in Bangkok, Thailand. The FEAR and DREAMS World Tour will make its spectacular stop in Bangkok on February 22, 2025, at 7:30 PM at the Impact Arena, Muang Thong Thani!

The FEAR and DREAMS World Tour kicked off in 2022 at the Hong Kong Coliseum and has since performed in Malaysia, Singapore, Taipei, North America, Macau, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Xi’an, Nanjing, Wuhan, and Hangzhou, receiving rave reviews everywhere. Finally, in 2025, it’s making its way to the Land of Smiles—Thailand. The tour theme, “FEAR and DREAMS,” was established years ago, and Eason feels that its meaning has remained unchanged; therefore, the name continues. What special significance does “FEAR and DREAMS” hold? Eason candidly shares, “Everyone interprets it differently; it’s best to experience it live and find out for yourself.”

Eason Chan’s music defies genres and covers a wide array of themes, renowned for its rich emotion and strong connection. Listening to him is like being told captivating stories that often evoke a deep emotional response from the audience. The FEAR and DREAMS World Tour offers an incredible visual and audio experience, a testament to the dedication of Eason and his team. Through ongoing refinements of the stage design, the show delivers both dramatic flair and immersive audio-visual experience. After over a hundred performances, this tour is finally arriving in Bangkok, promising fans a heartfelt musical celebration they won’t want to miss! 

Join us on February 22, 2025, at 7:30 PM at Impact Arena, Muang Thong Thani, as Eason Chan and his team combine the power of music and stagecraft to provide an unforgettable experience. Tickets for the Eason Chan FEAR and DREAMS World Tour in Bangkok will go on sale on November 23, 2024 (Saturday) at 10:00 AM (GMT+7). Fans, don’t miss out on this chance—let’s meet Eason Chan in Bangkok!



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